The process of capturing your life story in words helps individuals to reflect on their life, appreciate their value and enable families to hear stories, otherwise lost. — Heather Baker

Workshop Series

A total of seven x 2 hr workshops over the course of 14weeks   COST :  $320 per person (8-12 people)

Capture it all now! This workshop series provides you with the inspiration, tools, guidelines, interview questions, expertise, encouragement and the schedule you need to write your story, or to help a loved one write theirs. You will also be guided in selecting the photos, documents and heirlooms needed to accompany your words. You will receive a ‘A Little Inspiration’ binder to organize everything you’ve worked on.

Contact Me…

for more details, to schedule a FREE 1/2 hour seminar or book a ‘Capturing MYstory Workshop Series’ for your community group or group of friends. e-mail

See the Calendar of Events for scheduled seminars, which help to explain these workshops further, or

After the Workshop Series is Over

Once you have Your Story written down and your photos selected, you have a few choices:

#1: You can simply keep all the elements together in the A Little Inspiration binder. You can feel a sense of accomplishment that you have captured your life story to share with family and friends. You may wish to even embellish your manuscript further with additional stories or genealogical graphs and details. OR…

#2 If you, or someone you know, has the know-how and desire to publish your story in a hard-cover format,  your manuscript can be turned into a hardcover book using an on-line self-publishing company. A few will be reviewed and recommended during the workshops.

#3 Let A Little Inspiration design, edit (if necessary) and publish your life story for an additional per page fee. Heather’s creative talents help your story to flow using beautiful designs, historical details and poetic copy additions.

To see a sample of a book, you can click here:

If you have any questions or would like to explore this option further, please e-mail me at or phone me at 905-770-6337

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