We are a small community of women who have come together to share our passion for…
eating healthy
being mindful and living with our whole heart
being active & being outdoors
taking care of our mental and emotional well-being
& aging with grace
How can you enjoy a little inspiration?
We invite you to READ our BLOG POSTS, which cover topics of interest on our journey. They will include:
RECIPES that have received rave reviews
STORIES that come from the heart and warm yours,
LEARNING from some of life’s most challenging experiences,
REVIEWS of products that we truly love,
IDEAS for day trips, gatherings, gifts, entertaining,
and creative projects
ROUTINES that are tried and true,
and so on.
We are not on FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, TIKTOK, or TWITTER and we prefer it that way.
If you would love to share something that you are passionate about, and it relates to one of the topics above, please email me, I would love to discuss it!
Perhaps you would like to write a blog post and share it with this community.
On that note, this is a volunteer community, and there is no desire to make money from it, we are all here because our heart is into it.
… as A Little Inspiration, Heather Baker has been inspiring women and girls through interactive workshops and camps, creative projects, products, art, interior and graphic design, and so on.
A Little Inspiration has grown to include the hearts and minds of a wonderful group of women who have inspired me over the years. Together we want to share our experience, stories, skills, knowledge, creativity and passion for living life more holistically and with our whole hearts.
is that I can continue to laugh out loud, make new friends, explore new things, throw caution and fear to the wind, and truly appreciate the beauty of it ALL.
Would you like to add a little inspiration to your life’s journey?
Here is one way…